By Super User on Thursday, 25 October 2018
Category: Uncategorized

2 Newborn Tiger Cubs Spotted in Ranthambore National Park

In Ranthambore, the buzzing of the new tiger cubs is again. Tiger cubs extended cat family in Ranthambore National Park. Tigress T-63 has been seen with two of its cubs in the Aadhi-khoh area of the Laharpur range in Ranthambore National Park. Wildlife lovers have another reason to enjoy this state.

Photograph Trap camera of forest department has captured tigress with two cubs. For the first time on October 20, 2018 at 2.46 pm, the images were captured by two trap cameras. In the first image of the camera, the tigress is seen walking with a cub, while the second image is showing another cub, which is following footsteps of her mother.

Tigress T-63 is the daughter of T-19, which is known as Krishna in big cat family. Krishna is the daughter of Ranthambore's world famous tigress Machhli aka T-16. The famous Ranthambore tigress Machli earned the distinction of being one of the most photographed big cats. Machali's daughter Krishna gave birth to three cubs in 2011. Two of which were male tigers and one female tiger. T-63 is one of those two female cubs. Now the T63 cubs have also become part of the Machli family in Ranthambore National Park.

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