By admin on Thursday, 14 December 2023
Category: Uncategorized

Two tigers clashed over territory in Ranthambore National Park

 Once again a territorial fight between two tigers has been seen in Ranthambore Tiger Reserve. A tiger got injured in a fight between two tigers over territory in Ranthambore. Tiger T-121, roaming in Zone 4 of Ranthambore's ROPT range, has been injured.

According to the information received from the Forest Department, the forest personnel patrolling the forest area on Tuesday evening had seen Tiger T-120 and Tiger T-121 roaming around. After some time, the tourists who went on safari saw the Tiger T-121 in an injured state. Tourists informed the forest officials about this. Since then, as a precautionary measure, both the tigers are being continuously monitored and tracked by the Forest Department.

Conflict over territory

Forest officials said that in the area where tigers T-121 and T-120 were seen roaming around, generally there is movement of tiger T-120 i.e. Ganesh. Generally, tigers do not tolerate the interference of any other tiger in their territory.

Read also: Clash between tigers T57 and T58 in Zone 6 of Ranthambore

In such a situation, when Tiger T-120 would have seen the movement of Tiger T-121 in its territory and both would have come face to face, then the possibility of conflict over territory between the two tigers cannot be ruled out and in this conflict Tiger T-121 would have injured.

Deep wounds on the tiger's face

Forest officials said that there was a conflict over territory in the forest area of Zone 4 between Tiger T-120 and T-121. Tiger T-121 has been injured in this. The tiger has deep wounds and injuries on its face. It is noteworthy that both Tiger T-120 and T-121 are brothers.

Read also: The conflict between the Tigers T42 and T 109 for territory in Ranthambore

These are the cubs of tigress T63. In October 2018, tigress T63 gave birth to two male cubs in her second litter. In the year 2021, both the male cubs were separated from their mother (T-63). When both the male tigers became adults, they were given numbers T-120 and T-121 by the Forest Department.

Tiger T-120 was injured in the past

This is not the first case of conflict between tigers over territory in Ranthambore. Such cases have come to light before also. Earlier in the month of March last year too, tiger T-120 had a conflict with another tiger over territory. In this, the back of the Tiger T-120 was injured. Later the forest department team tranquilized and treated the tiger.

Read also: Conflicts between Two Male Tigers for the Tigress T-39 in Ranthambore

Mohit Gupta, DFO, Ranthambore Tiger Project, Sawaimadhopur, says that the department is continuously monitoring the tiger. If necessary, the tiger will be tranquilized and treated. 

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