Coronavirus: A Tiger testing positive for Covid-19 at the Bronx Zoo in New York, US.
For the first time, an animal has been reported to be corona-virus positive. A Tiger has tested positive for Covid-19 at the Bronx Zoo in New York. The organization said on Sunday, and it is believed, that the virus has passed from a caretaker person to animals that were asymptomatic at the time.
A four-year-old female Malayan tiger named Nadia at the Bronx Zoo has tested positive for corona virus Covid -19.
The tigress Nadia, along with six other big cats' species, has been infected by an asymptomatic zoo keeper. The four-year-old tigress along with her sister Azul, two Amur tigers and three African lions are infected with dry cough and are expected to recover fully. The zoos in New York City are run by the Wildlife Conservation Society.
The case of this tigress named Nadia is the first animal infected with Covid-19 in the US. The Bronx Zoo in New York City says a test result of Covid -19 was confirmed by the National Veterinary Services Laboratory in Iowa.
"We have carefully tested the big cat. We will share all the information the world has received about Covid-19 which will contribute to the continued understanding of this novel corona-virus." The statement sent to AFP stated.
Full details of USDA statement on confirmation of COVID-19 on a tiger in New York
He further stated that the veterinarians at the Bronx Zoo are taking good care of the big cats and are bright, alert and interactive with their caretakers.
After being exposed to the employee last month, big cats at the zoo began to show symptoms, including a dry cough, but were not identified.
The chief veterinarian at the zoo, Paul Calle, told the Reuters news agency on Sunday that it was the first time in the world that the animal and the person infecting the animal got sick.
All four zoos and aquariums in New York – with virus deaths above 4,000 – have closed since March 16.
There are different examples of pet tests positive in the world regarding coronavirus, but experts say that there is no evidence that this virus can cause animals to become ill or spread disease.
Mr. Calle said he would like to share the findings with other zoos and institutes researching Covid-19 broadcasts. The zoo said it is not known how the virus will develop in animals such as tigers and lions, as different species may react differently to new infections, but all animals will be closely monitored.
The zoo has stated that all tigers showing symptoms of the disease were kept in the tiger mountain area of the zoo. It is unclear whether other animals will be tested.
While other tigers and lions were also showing symptoms, the zoo decided to test only the tigress Nadia because she was most ill and began to lose her appetite, and they do not want to subject all cats to anesthesia Were, Calle said.
They did an X-ray of the tigress Nadia, an ultrasound and a blood test to find out what ailment she had. They decided to test for COVID-19 in New York City, the epicenter of the outbreak in the United States.
"It is still recommended that sick people with Covid-19 make a limited contact with the animals until more information is found about the virus," US Department of Agriculture website states.
The epidemic has been driven by human-to-human transmission, but this is the first case of human-to-animal transmission from tigress Nadia infection and new questions arise.
"There is no evidence that anyone has been infected with Covid-19 in the US by animals, including domesticated dogs or cats," a zoo statement said.
According to the US Department of Agriculture National Veterinary Services Laboratories, this is the first tiger in the zoo that started showing signs of the disease on March 27, although the zoo has been closed since mid-March.
Know about Ranthambore National Park, famous for tigers in India