A private organization working for tiger conservation claimed: Ranthambore has only 62 tigers, not 71

An NGO called Tiger Watch in Ranthambore has claimed that the number of tigers in Ranthambore is 62 and not 71.

In Ranthambore, a new debate has started with the claim of Tiger Watch (NGO), an organization specifically working for the conservation of tigers. The organization has claimed that the number of tigers in Ranthambore is 62, not 71.

Ranthambore is in the limelight these days due to the death of tigers and the attack of tigers on humans. In such a situation, the only thing on every side is that the habitat of tigers in Ranthambore is declining, which is why these incidents have intensified. Amidst all this, new figures regarding the number of tigers have been revealed by the representatives of Tiger Watch, an organization specially working for the conservation of tigers in Ranthambore. The organization claims that in Ranthambore, there are only 62 tigers in total, not 71.

Although the Tiger Watch (Non-Government Organization) works for tiger conservation across the country, but the organization has a special job in Ranthambore. Famous celebrities of the country are members of this NGO, the government and the government machinery take everything said by this organization seriously and prominently. It is also said that this organization is basically striving for protection of tigers and other wildlife in Ranthambore.

The representatives of the organization stated in their report that the area of ​​Ranthambore Tiger Reserve is 1700 sq km. Of this, only 650 sq km is suitable for tiger habitat. The rest of the 1050 sq km area is not suitable due to human intervention.

Saving life for five old tigers will be difficult. Five tigers will have to find new territory

5 out of 13 tigers are old in Ranthambore

According to the report, out of the 13 tigers that are fully established in Ranthambore and are living separate territory for themselves, 5 of them are old. Being in the final stages of their age, they will not be able to fend off young tigers to make the area. In such a situation, only five out of 10 tigers will occupy the areas of these 5 old tigers. Even if these five tigers find a place, then the remaining five male tigers will have to struggle for the territory and it is currently happening. Of the 24 tigress present in Ranthambore, 9 are tigresses who have not yet become mothers. Out of the remaining 15 tigress, 5-6 tigresses are old and old tigress will also be replaced by any of these 9 tigresses. This means that today there are at least three tigresses who will fight for the territory.

Report claims: Right now 4 tigers are roaming with their mother

The report of the organization's Dharmendra Khandal and Suthar claims that out of 47 tigers in Ranthambore, 4 tigers are still roaming with their mother. The above four tigers are on the verge of separation from the mother, but are not seeking independent territory for themselves. It will take some more time for these four tigers to begin exploring the area. For this reason, according to the report, only 43 tigers are roaming freely in this forest. In this way, 10 small and 4 big cubs, a total of 14 cubs are still not causing any problem for the area due to their differences with the mother. The report said that there is a general perception here that the number of male tigers has increased in Ranthambore. While there are 47 tigers whose sex has been determined, 23 of which are males and 24 females. Right now 10 cubs of Ranthambore and 2 cubs of Kaila Devi are yet to be determined. Nobody knows how many of these 14 cubs are male and how many are female.

How many adults and how many cubs

The organization claims that according to the figures, the presence of 71 tigers here is baseless. According to the organization, out of 62 tigers, 50 are adults and 12 cubs, of these, 3 adults and 2 cubs in Kaila Devi, a total of 5. The remaining 57 tigers are inhabited at the Ranthambore wildlife Sanctuary. Of these tigers, 10 are cubs and the remaining 47 are adults. The 10 cubs of Ranthambore have not yet been numbered by the Forest Department.

The gender of 14 cubs is not yet known

The report of the organization claimed that a total of 57 tigers are roaming in Ranthambore and 5 in Kaila Devi wildlife Sanctuary. Thus the number of these tigers is only 62. Apart from these tigers, there is no other tiger in these two sanctuaries at this time. If this report is accepted as true, then it comes to the conclusion that in the coming days, big tigers and empty spaces give space to new ones, even then three tigress and five male tigers in Ranthambore will have to face trouble for the area. If it takes some time, then 14 cubs, whose gender is not known yet, will also come on the verge of joining this struggle of the area for themselves. However, out of the total 23 male tigers of Ranthambore, there are 10 tigers that do not have their own territory. At this time only 13 tigers have their territory. For this reason, these 10 tigers are believed to be searching for territory by pushing other tigers here and there.

Prepared report based on data

Dharmendra Khandal, representative of Tiger Watch, says that "this study has been prepared on the basis of the data available by our organization. According to us, the number of small big tigers in both the sanctuaries is 62 not 71. The conflict of the region is said to be intensified due to the number of tigers here. It is not in such a bad condition right now. According to the report, there is a need to free the tiger habitat from human activities. A large forest is proving to be unusable despite being a tiger habitat due to human activities. We have to work fast in this direction."

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