Tiger Sighting on Ranthambore National Park Road

Tiger Sighting on Ranthambore National Park Road:

On Wednesday, February 1, 2017, A Tiger was sighted around 10 O'clock last night at the outside the gate of Amareshwar Temple on Ranthambore National Park Main Road. 

Suddenly seeing tiger on the road, the wheels of passing vehicles were stopped. There were long queues of vehicles on both sides for a while. However, after a stroll across the road for a while, He walked towards the forest. Although, after getting the information, the staff of the Ranthambore Forest Department reached at spot. Due to darkness, forest officers could not clarify the identification of the tiger. Which is the tiger? But it has been roughly guessed that it was the Star Male Tiger T-28 of the Ranthambore National Park.

According to the Forest Department, by looking at the greenery around the farms, Tiger is expected to come out in search of prey. It is noted that Tiger had already put its halt before in the Guava Gardens nearby the Amareshwar temple. Amreshwar temple is also tourist attraction Ranthambore National park.

Wildlife Census in Ranthambore National Park
Ranthambore Festival in 2017


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