Ban and penalty on plastic material in Ranthambore Tiger Reserve

plastic-ban-in-ranthambore Ban and penalty on plastic material in Ranthambore Tiger Reserve
Government of Rajasthan, Forest department has now banned the carry of plastic disposable items and products in the tiger project, sanctuaries and reserve forest areas in the state. Now tourists traveling in the park will not be able to take any kind of plastic material. Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (PCCF) GV Reddy has issued an order on ...
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  2379 Hits

Tiger T-77 missing from Ranthambore, fear of death

Tiger-T-77-Ranthambore Tiger T-77 missing from Ranthambore, fear of death
Even though forest officials have not yet detected the cause of the death of two sub-adult tigers at Aanwad ki Khad , Zone 10 in Ranthambore Tiger Reserve in April this year , another male tiger T-77 has disappeared from the same zone at the same time. The tiger has not been seen in this zone for more than four months. Assistant conservator of the ...
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  1953 Hits

Panel to investigate the death of two tigers of Ranthambore

tiger-death Panel to investigate the death of two tigers of Ranthambore
Panel to investigate the death of two tigers of Ranthambore : Forest Department has constituted a four member committee to investigate the death of two sub adult tigers. In April this year, two sub-adult tigers died in mysterious circumstances in Ranthambore National Park . For this, the State Government Forest Department has constituted a four-mem...
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  1219 Hits

Tiger Attack on a Drunken Youth in a Private Farm in Ranthambore

Tiger-T-64-Ranthambore Tiger Attack on a Drunken Youth in a Private Farm in Ranthambore
A drunken youth was attacked by a tiger at a private farm in Ranthambore: In Rajasthan there is yet another confrontation as a result of wild big cats of Ranthambore and human-animal conflict among local people living in neighboring settlements. The incident took place on Tuesday, August 21, 2018 afternoon when a tiger attacked a 29-year-old Mukesh...
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  1695 Hits

Diya Mirza launches India’s wild anthem “MERE DESH KI ZAMEEN"

Wild-Anthem-e1534820221843 Diya Mirza launches India’s wild anthem “MERE DESH KI ZAMEEN
In addition to being a Bollywood actress and producer, Diya Mirza is also a clean and green environment activist. Diya Mirza and her team have released a wild anthem on August 12, 2018 during the World Elephant Day "Gaj Mahotsav" in New Delhi. The title of this wild anthem is given "Mere Desh ki Zameen". It is India's first wild anthem with a missi...
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  1942 Hits

High-tech anti-poaching system in five reserves including Ranthambore

Ranthambore National Park Tiger High-tech anti-poaching system in five reserves including Ranthambore
Poachers will be monitored by thermal cameras. The safety of wildlife will be stronger…. Ranthambore is a famous Tiger Reserve in the country and a national park located in the Sawai Madhopur District of Rajasthan. It is popular among wildlife lovers for its wilderness, it is also known as the land of tigers in the world. In order to control the po...
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  2085 Hits

Ranthambore Tourism will continue in monsoon Season, Zone 6 to 10 will remain open in the off season

Ranthambore-open-in-monsoon Ranthambore Tourism will continue in monsoon Season, Zone 6 to 10 will remain open in the off season
Ranthambore Tourism will continue in monsoon Season, Zone 6 to 10 will remain open in the off season: There is good news for tourists coming to Ranthambore National Park to see the tigers' tendencies and tigers. Tourists coming to Ranthambore for the expectations of tigers do not need to be disappointed in off-season. During the rainy season, this ...
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  1933 Hits

Conflicts between two tigers related to hunting: Ranthambore National Park

tiger-fight-in-ranthambore-national-park Conflicts between two tigers related to hunting: Ranthambore National Park
On Sunday, June 17, 2018, in afternoon slot at zone 2 of the Ranthambore National Park , there was clash between two young tigers near the Black farm area. This fight was related to hunting between young male and female cubs of tigress T-60 and T-39. The tourists were thrilled to see the fight between young male and female cubs in Zone 2 of Rantham...
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  1827 Hits

Two new cubs were seen with parents in the water pool at Ranthambore on the summer day

Two-new-cubs-were-seen-with-parents-in-the-water-pool-at-Ranthambore-on-the-summer-day-e1533227654433 Two new cubs were seen with parents in the water pool at Ranthambore on the summer day
Two new cubs were seen with parents in the water pool at Ranthambore on the summer day: On Saturday June 2, 2018, the tourists witnessed Tigress T-59, Tiger T-62 and their ten month old two cubs at zone 9 of the Ranthambore Tiger Reserve. Tiger family gives a pleasant surprise in Ranthambore National Park. Forest officials say that seeing the whole...
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  1517 Hits

Introducing Ranthambore Weekend Getaways for Tiger safari

ranthambore-weekend-package Introducing Ranthambore Weekend Getaways for Tiger safari
Introducing Ranthambore Weekend Getaways for Tiger safari: If you are on a trip to Rajasthan and enjoying holidays in Jaipur, there is no better place than Ranthambore to explore wildlife. Yes! Ranthambore is the nearest tourist destination from Jaipur. Ranthambore is the best place for long weekends for wildlife lovers. Plan a road trip from Jaipu...
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  1937 Hits

Crocodile Safari at National Chambal Gharial Sanctuary Palighat, Place to see in Ranthambore

Chambal-River-safari-Ranthambore Crocodile Safari at National Chambal Gharial Sanctuary Palighat, Place to see in Ranthambore
National Chambal Gharial Sanctuary Palighat, Place to see in Ranthambore There are many incredible tourist places in the Sawai Madhopur like the National Chambal Sanctuary and other places to visit in Ranthambore. National Chambal Sanctuary is one of the famous tourist places to visit in Sawai Madhopur. You can travel with your family or friends to...
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  35014 Hits

Rajasthan Royals Cricket Team Visited Ranthambore National Park

Rajasthan Royals Cricket Team Visited Ranthambore National Park Rajasthan Royals Cricket Team Visited Ranthambore National Park
Today, on April 25, 2018, Rajasthan Royals Team visited Ranthambore National Park in morning shift. Rajasthan Royals are a cricket team from the city of Jaipur in the Indian Premier League. It was established in 2008 as one of the first eight IPL franchises, The Royals ownership is owned by Manoj Badale. If you are also planning to visit Ranthambor...
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  2294 Hits

A Big Loss in Ranthambore: Male Tiger Killed Two Cubs

cub-dead-copy A Big Loss in Ranthambore: Male Tiger Killed Two Cubs
News : Two tiger cubs died in Ranthambore Tiger Reserve An unidentified Big Cat killed two male sub-adult tigers at Ranthambore National Park . The age of these male sub-adult cubs was around one and a half years. Both the cubs were identified as litter of tigress T-79. Wildlife lovers have expressed mourns over the deaths of both the cubs. This is...
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  2573 Hits

Air service started from Delhi to Ranthambore

Delhi-to-Ranthambore-flight Air service started from Delhi to Ranthambore
On Wednesday, April 11, 2018 Delhi Ranthambore flight started. It is a historic day for the residents of Sawai Madhopur, because the air service has started from New Delhi to Ranthambore for the first time. With the launch of air services in Sawai Madhopur, there has been a wave of happiness among people associated with Ranthambore tourism. Sawai M...
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  4901 Hits

Ranthambore Tiger T-91 Mirza became the Sultan of Mukundra

T-91 Ranthambore Tiger T-91 Mirza became the Sultan of Mukundra
Once bitten twice shy, something like this is with male Tiger T-9 1 aka Mirza. This tiger has been shifted to Mukandra Hills Tiger Reserve from the Ramgarh Vishdhari Wildlife Sanctuary of Bundi district on Tuesday, April 3, 2018. Last year, after suffering from Porcupine quills, Tranquilize, T91 aka Mirza also discomposed the team of the forest dep...
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  2949 Hits

Tigress T-83 Lightning appeared with two cubs: Wave of happiness in Ranthambore National Park

Tigress T 83 Lightning Ranthambore Tigress T-83 Lightning appeared with two cubs: Wave of happiness in Ranthambore National Park
Tigress T-83 lightning gave birth to two cubs in Ranthambore National Park . Tigress has been sighted with two cubs in Aama Ghati area. Wildlife lovers once again became happy. On Saturday, March 31, 2018 the tigress T-83 aka lighting has been seen with two cubs near the Zone 5 of Ranthambore in the Aama valley by the forest department staffs. List...
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  2407 Hits

Tiger T-25 Dollar sighted again after two years in Ranthambore

zalim Tiger T-25 Dollar sighted again after two years in Ranthambore
Ranthambore's famous tiger T-25 aka Dollar male or Zalim has been seen again after two years. After a long time, T25 has returned to its territory, due to which there are wave of happiness among wildlife lovers. On Saturday, Dominant Male tiger T-25 aka Dollar has been seen by tourists and drivers near big gate of Jogi Mahal at zone 3 in Ranthambor...
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  2585 Hits

Star Male T28 died in Ranthambore National Park

Star male tiger t 28 ranthambore Star Male T28 died in Ranthambore National Park
A dominant male Tiger known as Star male aka T -28 "Pride of Ranthambore" leaves for heavenly abode today after forest staff rescued him from a farm outside the forest. The movement of Tiger was near the Chhaan village of sawai Madhopur. Due to being old, young tigers pushed him to the edge of the forest by continually pressuring him. He was badly ...
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  3014 Hits

Water pipeline management system for wildlife in Ranthambore

Ranthambore lake Water pipeline management system for wildlife in Ranthambore
Ranthambore is the first wildlife sanctuary of the state to supply water through the pipeline on the hill for wildlife. In the summer season, water problems arise at the mountainous areas for wildlife in Ranthambore. To get rid of this problem, a unique initiative has been taken to bring water to the mountainous forest areas for wildlife in Rantham...
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  3037 Hits

Tigress T84 Arrowhead Gave Birth to Two Cubs in Ranthambore

tigress-T-84 Tigress T84 Arrowhead Gave Birth to Two Cubs in Ranthambore
This is good News for Tiger lover and wildlife enthusiast. Queen of the Ranthambore, Tigress T84 Arrowhead gave birth to two cubs and she was seen with two newborn cubs in Ranthambore National Park . With this news, Ranthambhore again rejoiced in the wave of happiness. On Thursday, February 22, 2018, tourists have seen two new cubs in the afternoon...
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  3375 Hits